Movements on Screen: Video Documentation & Trailer for Performances

📹  Workshop with Svenja Simone Schulte 🗓️ Event Details: Date: Part 1: Thursday, 3rd of October, 10-14:30h Part 2: Friday, 4th of October, 10-14:30h Location: TD Berlin (Klosterstr. 44 10179 Berlin) Language: English  📝 Registration Workshops Registration until 22nd September via: Please include your name, workshop title and pronouns. This workshop is FLINTA* only.  weiter lesen Movements on Screen: Video Documentation & Trailer for Performances

Keep it Dangerous

⚡ About “Keep it dangerous” is a free workshop and event series from FLINTA* for FLINTA* organised by Gefährliche Arbeit e.V. 🗓️ Event Details: Date: 2nd-6th October 2024 Location: TD Berlin (Klosterstr. 44 10179 Berlin)  📝 Registration Workshops Registrations until 22nd September via: Please include your name, workshop title and pronouns. Workshops are FLINTA* weiter lesen Keep it Dangerous

📣 Open Call for WORKSHOP leaders [only FLINTA*]

⚡ About  “Keep it dangerous” is a free workshop and event series from FLINTA* for FLINTA* organised by Gefährliche Arbeit.  🗓️ Event Details: Date: 3rd-6th Oct 2024 Location: TD Berlin We are looking for workshop leaders for the following workshops: 📹 Video  introduction of one aspect in video applied in theater 2 days à 4,5h weiter lesen 📣 Open Call for WORKSHOP leaders [only FLINTA*]

Wir haben jetzt eine Telegram Gruppe!

Wir haben jetzt eine Telegram Gruppe für Job Postings, Event Ankündigungen und alle möglichen Fragen rund um Technik. We have a Telegram group now for job postings, events and all kinds of tech support questions.

This was RECAP & PLAY

This was RECAP & PLAY, the third weekend of our workshop series CONNECT & PLAY.  We had workshops for Videotutorials, Podcasting, Screenprinting, Stampmaking and a Photobooth. At the quiz night we battled ourselves with our geek knowledge and at the hangout we had drinks and dance at our nerd bar. A big thank you to weiter lesen This was RECAP & PLAY

This was LEVEL UP!

This was LEVEL UP, the second weekend of our workshop series CONNECT & PLAY.  We had workshops for videomapping, Touchdesigner, Max MSP and Blender 3D. At the panel we were discussing about “Breaking Stereotypes on Stage: Designers‘ Perspectives” and at the hangout we were diving in an Algorave. A big thank you to the workshop weiter lesen This was LEVEL UP!

This was BASICS!

This was BASICS, the first weekend of our workshop series CONNECT & PLAY.  We had workshops for sound, light, video and coding. At the panel we were discussing about „How networks empower: FLINTA* voices in theatre“ and at the hangout we learned about „How to write a tech rider“. A big thank you to the weiter lesen This was BASICS!

Thank you to the Team of Connect & Play!

Our Workshop Weekend Series Connect & Play 2023 is coming to an end and before we recap the next days what has happened, here is a big big thank you to the amazing Gefährliche Arbeit crowd who made this possible! Give a big applause to Leo Alonso, Mel Brinkmann, Gilda Coustier, Magdalena Emmerig, Frieder Miller, weiter lesen Thank you to the Team of Connect & Play!

Connect & Play: RECAP AND PLAY 9.-11. June

At the third and last weekend we will RECAP what has happened so far at Connect & Play and get into documentation, archiving and sharing. We are offering workshops on how to make video tutorials and podcasts, a stockphoto booth to create queer tech footage and invite you to make your own Tourlabel stamp and weiter lesen Connect & Play: RECAP AND PLAY 9.-11. June

Connect & Play: LEVEL UP 20.-21. May

runterscrollen für die deutsche Version 2# LEVEL UP 20.-21.05.2023 Berlin The second weekend of Connect & Play is going to LEVEL UP: These workshops will dig into software skills for video, sound and 3D modelling. At the panel we will discuss „Breaking Stereotypes on Stage: Designers‘ Perspectives“ and the HANGOUT will be focusing on live-coding. weiter lesen Connect & Play: LEVEL UP 20.-21. May